Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Evolution Essays - Network Protocols, Frame Relay, Cell Relay
The Evolution In nature evolution occurs throughout various different things. Also evolution occurs in technology. Take for instance, ATM was an evolution of frame relay, and frame relay was an evolution of packet switching. Evolution happens everywhere but in technology it happens all the time. Packet switching technology breaks down messages into fixed-length pieces called packets and sent through a network individually. In packet switching messages are segmented into packets of a pre determined size before they are sent. This process is called packetizing. The packets are normally 1000 bytes long. There is a lot of error protection in the packet. Packet switching networks are made to run several alternative high-speed paths from one node to another. For instance if a node from San Francisco is trying to send a message to Los Angeles and the connection is busy or down, it will redirect its message to Denver then to Los Angeles as an alternative route. Frame relay is packet switching's next of kin. Frame relay evolved from packet switching. Instead of sending packets frame relay sends frames. " A frame has a one-byte header, two addressing and control bytes, a variable-length data field (1-64000 bytes), a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check, and a termination byte."Tcom book. In frame relay, there is hardware, on both ends of the connection that builds and breaks down frames. They do this through all kinds of data streams, LAN packets, digital voice, and asynchronous terminal input and the hardware writes the frames serially. The reason frame relay is more popular and better evolved than packet switching is that it uses commonly available circuits, which provides good throughput, and has low latency and is easy to configure. Packet switching is only good for data transferring and is sent through one type of line. Frame relay sends more information faster and through multi forms of connections. This makes packet switching not the suitabl e choice for ISP's. Thus leaving packet switching out of the picture in that field of that business. Many ISP's us frame relay as a customer access technology, for port aggregation and local traffic switching by ISP's is the fastest growing segment of the frame relay market. Leaving packet switching in the dust. However frame relay is not top dog in data transfers. Another form of transferring has evolved from frame relay, which is ATM (Asynchronous transfer mode). It is also known as cell relay. This form was created to solve the problem of delays in the transferring. It gets really annoying when you watch a video and it keeps on skipping or stopping every few seconds. That is an idea of a delay in data transferring. Its cells use fixed packets of 53 bytes. Theses cells can also be built and broken down like frame relay, but in a faster time. All forms of data, like voice, video, and data, can be sent through a single ATM line, at the same time (like a T3 line). A large amount of bandwidth is required to use ATM. However frame relay may be the more efficient way to go. Do to the fact that it cost more for ATM lines that it does for frame relay. Right now frame relay is the efficient source of data transfer, but in the future as multimedia features grow the need for ATM will grow with it as well. Having the best isn't always better. It may cost more than what you want to spend. From packet switching to frame relay to ATM, they all evolved from each other. Taking existing technology and improving it for the time it is needed for.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Causes Of War
There is no doubt that the country of Egypt has had a long and cherished history. Geographically located at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the middle east, Egyptââ¬â¢s strategic position on the globe has tempted and been sought after by countless empires, regimes, and kingdoms throughout history. Yet the Egyptians have still managed to keep their unique identity. This is no more evident than in the events that occurred in 1952, when Egypt finally gained independence from the British. With the country seemingly back in the hands of the Egyptian people it would seem that life would begin to improve for the majority of poor Egyptian citizens. However, in reality it has been quite the opposite. Since the revolution, Egypt has seen numerous wars that have come to have a direct negative impact on the political, economic, social, and foreign relation aspects of Egyptian society and has been the main reason to the countriesââ¬â¢ stifled growth. The notion of war has also m anaged to grip Egypt in a way that has sent her into a never-ending spiral of war leading to even more war, evolving from wars of occupation, to Arab-Israeli wars, to religious civil wars. Although Egypt gained independence from Britain in 1952, they could not escape two aspects that would come to shape the region until the present day. First, was the notion that the key to political control lied in security and police forces. Typically the British spent two-thirds of total expenditure in this area, which in turn left little for health, education, welfare, etc. This concept would later mirror the administrations policy after independence. The second legacy Great Britain left for the Egyptians, and the rest of the Arab world was their signing of the Balfour declaration, and the consequential implications of the birth of Israel. The history between the two countries is ancient and complex, and the new situation would come to be one of the most primary global issues si... Free Essays on Causes Of War Free Essays on Causes Of War There is no doubt that the country of Egypt has had a long and cherished history. Geographically located at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the middle east, Egyptââ¬â¢s strategic position on the globe has tempted and been sought after by countless empires, regimes, and kingdoms throughout history. Yet the Egyptians have still managed to keep their unique identity. This is no more evident than in the events that occurred in 1952, when Egypt finally gained independence from the British. With the country seemingly back in the hands of the Egyptian people it would seem that life would begin to improve for the majority of poor Egyptian citizens. However, in reality it has been quite the opposite. Since the revolution, Egypt has seen numerous wars that have come to have a direct negative impact on the political, economic, social, and foreign relation aspects of Egyptian society and has been the main reason to the countriesââ¬â¢ stifled growth. The notion of war has also m anaged to grip Egypt in a way that has sent her into a never-ending spiral of war leading to even more war, evolving from wars of occupation, to Arab-Israeli wars, to religious civil wars. Although Egypt gained independence from Britain in 1952, they could not escape two aspects that would come to shape the region until the present day. First, was the notion that the key to political control lied in security and police forces. Typically the British spent two-thirds of total expenditure in this area, which in turn left little for health, education, welfare, etc. This concept would later mirror the administrations policy after independence. The second legacy Great Britain left for the Egyptians, and the rest of the Arab world was their signing of the Balfour declaration, and the consequential implications of the birth of Israel. The history between the two countries is ancient and complex, and the new situation would come to be one of the most primary global issues si...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Visa H-2B para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos
Visa H-2B para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos Con una visa H-2B se puede trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos en una gran variedad de empleos, quedando excluido el sector agrà cola. Pero para que las embajadas y consulados emitan los visados es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos que regulan quià ©n puede obtenerlos y en quà © condiciones. El principal es que el proceso lo inicia la empresa estadounidense que patrocina la visa. Es decir, no se puede ir al consulado sin tener antes la empresa que comenzà ³ los trmites y ya obtuvo aprobacià ³n de papeleo dentro de los Estados Unidos. En este artà culo se explican los puntos fundamentales, como quà © tipo de trabajos se pueden realizar, de quà © paà ses hay que ser ciudadano para poder beneficiarse de este tipo de visas, quià ©n debe solicitarla, quià ©n puede acompaà ±ar al beneficiario, etc. Ciudadanos de quà © paà ses pueden solicitar una visa H-2B El Federal Register publica cada aà ±o el listado de paà ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden beneficiarse de este visado,à varios son de Latinoamà ©rica. Espaà ±a tambià ©n est incluida.à Si no se tiene pasaporte de uno de esos paà ses, no se puede tener este tipo de visa. Para estas personas podrà a ser de interà ©s informarse sobre la visa C1/D para trabajar en cruceros. Existen agencias con buena reputacià ³n encargadas de seleccionar trabajadores en distintas capacidades para cruceros. Quà © tipo de trabajadores se contratan con la visa H-2B Todo tipo de trabajo no agrà cola que tenga un carcter de temporada, o corresponda a un pico de trabajo o sea intermitente por su propia naturaleza u ocurra una sola vez. Como ejemplos: En hoteles en zonas de veranoEn tiendasEn restaurantes cmo meseros o cocinerosConstruccià ³nEn cocinasEn parques temticosFeriasEn jardinerà a (landscape)En estaciones de ski, desde trabajar en recepcià ³n de hotel a limpieza pasando por mantenimiento o monitor de ski, etcEn procesamiento de pescados, siendo por ejemplo muy comà ºn trabajar en factorà as de ese tipo en Alaska Là mite en el nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se pueden aprobar cada aà ±o Hay un là mite al nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se conceden anualmente. Cada aà ±o fiscal, el Congreso de Estados Unidos establece un nà ºmero mximo de visas de esta categorà a que se pueden conceder. Actualmente est fijada en 66,000, de las que la mitad se conceden en el primer semestre del aà ±o fiscal y el resto en el segundo semestre. Si el cupo no se ha agotado en los primeros seis meses, esas visas pueden sumarse a las disponibles para repartir entre el 1 de abril y el 30 septiembre. Adems, en julio de 2017 el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha aprobado 15,000 visas adicionales para el el segundo semestre fiscal corriente. à Noà estn incluidos en ese conteo los que realizan sus labores en las Marianas o Guam o en el sector especializado de huevas de pescado. Cà ³mo se inicia el proceso para obtener estas visas El patrono o las organizaciones autorizadas son los que inician el proceso. Es decir, NO es posible presentarse en un consulado de los Estados Unidos si no hay antes una compaà ±Ã a americana que inicia los trmites.à Una persona por sà misma no puede solicitar la visa, necesita el patrocinio de la empresa. Si el USCIS da su aprobacià ³n, entonces la persona extranjera podr solicitar ante la Embajada o consulado americano que le corresponda una H-2B. Tiene queà pagarse la cuota o arancel correspondiente por su tramitacià ³n. Adems, si no se cumplen todos los requisitos, la visa puede ser denegada por causas muy diversasà por ser inelegible para la visa o por ser inadmisible para ingresar en Estados Unidos. Siempre va a ser un requisito que el beneficiario hable mà nimamente inglà ©s, pidià ©ndose en ocasiones un mayor nivel, dependiendo del trabajo que se quiere cubrir. Cà ³mo tienen conocimiento de estos trabajos los extranjeros que se encuentran en sus paà ses Es comà ºn que este tipo de empleo se ofrezca a travà ©s de agentes, reclutadores o agencias de servicio de empleo. Estos agentes no pueden solicitar ningà ºn tipo de cuota, arancel o pago al trabajador extranjero a cambio de ofrecerles un puesto de trabajo, sin embargo y lamentablemente es una prctica muy habitual. Se recomienda utilizar los servicios de una agencia o reclutador con excelente reputacià ³n y este es un listadoà à de ms de 60 reclutadores en Mà ©xico.à Adems, destacar 2 agencias con buena reputacià ³n que ponen en contacto a personas interesadas en estas visas con empresas patrocinadoras. En primer lugar Alliance Abroad y en segundo lugar Exchange Abroad. Es muy importante insistir en que es necesario tener mucho cuidado en hacer averiguaciones sobre la reputacià ³n del reclutador ya que, lamentablemente, hay mucho abuso y fraude en este tipo de visas. Validez de la visa H-2B En general este tipo de visa se concede por un periodo de 1 aà ±o. Puede extenderse hasta dos veces por un periodo de un aà ±o hasta un total de 3 aà ±os. Se deber entonces abandonar Estados Unidos por tres meses antes de volver a aplicar por una nueva visa. Hay que tener en cuenta que la condicià ³n fundamental para que la visa sea vlida es que el empleado està © realmente trabajando. Si el extranjero con una visa H-2B no se presenta a trabajar en los cinco dà as siguientes a la fecha de inicio de empleo o si es despedido, o si se ausenta del trabajo cinco dà as seguidos sin notificar al empleador la razà ³n de la ausencia entonces el patrono notificar dichas faltas al USCIS y las autoridades migratorias entienden que se est violando las condiciones de la visa y, por lo tanto, ya no es vlida. Lo mismo sucede si el trabajo se acaba al menos 30 dà as antes de la fecha programada. Si el trabajo que se ha venido a hacer se ha acabado, se debe abandonar Estados Unidos. Para ms informacià ³n sobre cundo se puede ya viajar a EU con esta visa y sobre el periodo de gracia para salir, se puede consultar este artà culo. Familiares de trabajadores temporales Si la persona que recibe una visa H-2B est casada puede viajar a Estados Unidos con su esposo o mujer y sus hijos, siempre y cuando à ©stos està ©n solteros y sean menores de 21 aà ±os. Los familiares tendrn una visa H-4 y no estn autorizados a realizar ningà ºn tipo de trabajo durante su estancia en EUA. NOTA MUY IMPORTANTE Lamentablemente, se dan casos de abusos a trabajadores que tienen una visa H-2B o una H-2A (muy similar, pero para trabajar en agricultura). Adems, tener presente que en Estados Unidos tanto los trabajadores legales como los indocumentados tienen derecho a que se les pague el salario mà nimoà o ms.à De interà ©s Entre todas las visas que permiten trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos destacan otras dos que pueden ser de interà ©s para las personas sin estudios universitarios o sin habilidades especiales. Son la C1/D para tripulantes que se utiliza para trabajar en cruceros y la H-2A para trabajos agrà colas. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Comprehensive Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Comprehensive Examination - Essay Example The navigation design or the site hierarchy has to be carefully planned with the objectives in mind. Normally three-tier architecture is used in setting up the site hierarchy. The first tier is the landing page of the user; the second tier represents the next level where the website wants the users to reach. The third tier is the page where the objectives of the company, such as sales, gathering customer details, etc.., are present (Thompson, 2006). In this web 2.0 age, it is essential to ensure that the functionality is perfect across all the pages in a website. This functionality also requires careful consideration and the flow of information and the ease of use within the website, all depend on the functionality design. The final and most important aspect of websites is the user friendliness. The site should be simple and it should clearly display the intended content and links to the user. Complex websites often result in lack of user friendliness and hence result in lesser repeat users. Hence user friendliness has to be present and users from all demographics should be able to access the information with ease. Initially, Internet was used to display information. In the recent years, Interactive services and Ecommerce have become very common and this has led to advanced coding which involves a lot of server side coding as opposed to the client side scripts used in the past. The platforms and frameworks for technical coding have developed and many new advanced platforms such as ASP.NET 3.5 and PHP are becoming very common. Many standards have become inevitable for website coding. When compared to the past, nowadays, websites are all validated to follow these standards for many reasons, one of the main being search engine optimization. In the past, interactive features were considered as additional, whereas interactive web 2.0 services have
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Teratech Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Teratech - Case Study Example The first provider to tap these advance resources would gain a bigger share in the market, lead the CRM service industry and have the first market entrant advantage. In the first quarter of 2005, Teratech aimed to go beyond the basic CRM functions and venture into modeling and analytics. The growth opportunities in predictive modeling and analytical CRM software is very big for the five-year-old company. Grabbing this opportunity would give a strategic advantage to Teratech, since the company is considered as a CRM expert for the pharmaceutical industry. According to Teratech's CEO, Jack Dwyer, developing a new analytical CRM product would assure the stakeholders continued sales and revenue growths as well as market leadership in the industry, while compensating the declining sales in the last quarter of the previous year. The new product is one of his corporate strategies for continued success of the organization. He is looking forward to an exceptional business performance of the company for three years. Jack Dwyer is a self-made man, who worked his way up to become a respected CIO in his previous job before he founded Teratech. He is a successful man with a 20-year experience in a leading technology service firm and a bold vision for Teratech's future. His vision for Teratech is to become the preferred solutions provider for pharmaceutical companies and the forerunner in the industry. This is the ideal end-state goal of Teratech. With the development of a new analytical software, Teratech's customers can identify trends, understand customer behavior, explore simulated scenarios and predict outcomes. This software would complete the company's CRM package of product functionality and analytical capability. The package is very marketable and salable to loyal customers as well as new recruits, as shown by the optimism of the sales team members. This would enhance the company's competitiveness in the market. The existing products and the development of a new analytical application software would answer to the vision of the CEO and help the company achieve its goal. However, development of a new product does not end on the salespeople. New product development is a company wide operation. It also involves other teams such as marketing, finance, human resource, and technology development teams. The marketing team is optimistic that the new product would answer the customer's concerns on the current product and return on their investment. The relatively new concept of CRM in pharmaceuticals and pharmacy-related industries is still at its infancy stage and the customers are still uncertain on its applicability. The development of the new product would assure the customers of its added benefit. The pharmaceutical companies would be able to maximize the value of their customer and market data as well as enhance their marketing strategy for optimum effectiveness. In the ultra-competitive environment of the pharmaceutical industry, the new product can address both the effectiveness and efficiency of their marketing campaigns. The success of the new product in the market would boost Teratech's expertise and market image, such that, the marketing team are challenged to cater new industries and access new technologies. Finding new markets or even creating a new one would be a blue ocean strategy for the team. Furthermore, Christine
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Elements of Argument Essay Essay Example for Free
The Elements of Argument Essay Essay In an argument essay, a writer simply argues a point or shall we say defend a side to a controversial issue. He defends his points by stating evidences and with logical reasoning. Many essays are basically argument essays. Most of the time we write essays to give out our opinion on something so that we may also persuade other people to have the same opinions. There are two basic elements to an Argument: a thesis and statement of evidence. The thesis of an argument is what a writer defends. An example of a thesis may be: Smoking is very hazardous. The strength of your argument will depend greatly on the strength of your thesis statement. The next element of an argument would be evidence. No argument will be complete without evidence supporting it. Most of time, reasoning alone will not suffice to strengthen your argument because a counter argument may easily be made to invalidate your claim. This is why evidence is very crucial to your argument. There are quite a lot of sources to find evidence for your argument, to name a few, experiences, books, surveys, polls, published articles, etc. Without these two elements in your argument your work will not be very persuasive to other people and so your essay will be no good. So it is very essential to find a good thesis statement and gather enough evidence to back you up. Argument used in The Declaration of Independence It is clearly seen how Thomas Jefferson uses argument in The Declaration of Independence and that the elements of an argument essay can easily be found. In the second paragraph we can find the thesis of the argument which is that all men are created equal and are all with unalienable rights. The main argument is that the King of Britain is clearly using his power to deny people of their rights. On most parts of the declaration we can find the second element to argumentative essays, evidence. Thomas Jefferson states a number of cases where the King of Britain is in clear violation of human and civil rights. These undeniable facts are what makes this essay very strong. The thesis is very well supported. Here we can see how the elements of an argumentative essay effects how good the work will be. The better use of a thesis and evidence makes your point very clear thus making your work more persuasive which is the overall goal of an argument, persuading people to share your idea.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Giving Back To My Community :: Contribution to My Community
My plan after college is to become a Sociologist or a Social Worker. With a college degree in one of these areas, I hope to impact my community in various ways. First, with the knowledge obtained from college, I hope to counsel with young people who are on the verge of going astray. In today's society, there are so many negative factors that influence young people. I want to help them understand the importance of setting goals and striving to become productive citizens. I also want to give them a sense of hope that with perseverance, they can become great role models for other young people. Secondly, I have been a community volunteer worker for several years. Being a community volunteer has helped me to understand that by obtaining a college degree, I can help impact the lives of many homeless individuals. Recently, as a volunteer of United Methodist Metro Ministries, many of the homeless individuals were amazed that I am almost finished with high school and plan to go to college. One man that I had the opportunity of meeting saddened me because he could not even write his own name. I thought about how his life is forever impaired by his inability to read and write. Perhaps that is one reason he is economically poor. My relationships to persons such as this man have inspired me to want to continue my formal education so that I can help people who have somehow seemed to have lost their way. Also, a college degree as a Sociologist or a Social Worker will require me to become engaged in the lives of people, many who are socially, mentally and economically disadvantaged.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Textual Analysis and Response to: In Memory of Zoe Yalland and Tortoise
Both poems represent suffering in the twentieth century, albeit different types. Both are also written in blank verse. This allows the author to write using a very flexible form not being hampered in the expression of thought or syntactic structure by the need to rhyme. The title ââ¬ËIn Memory of Zoà « Yallandââ¬â¢ is stating clearly that this is a memorial to the lady; however, this does not mean that it is an obituary. Although it is written after her death I donââ¬â¢t necessarily see it as an obituary, rather more of an epitaph, and a bitter one at that. Obituaries are generally very generous in their remembrance of the deceased. They usually describe their life and the contributions they made to it, paint a pretty picture of how loved they were and how sadly missed theyââ¬â¢ll be. This poem is totally contrary to the norm as regard to obituaries. I see this written on a tomb, as if to say, ââ¬Å"Look! Here lays a young woman, who during her life suffered a great deal. Go live your life to the full, savour each moment, love those around you, for you know not what tomorrow bringsâ⬠. Tortoise is a different title altogether. It is written in the same context as the verse, ambiguously and metaphorically. Initially you believe that the verse is literally about a tortoise, until you come to realise that the author is using a clever play on words. As you read on you find yourself analysing the text, struggling to understand what the author is trying to say, which is totally contrary to ââ¬ËIn Memory of Zoà « Yallandââ¬â¢. While Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s poem is straight talking and to the point, ââ¬ËTortoiseââ¬â¢ is ambiguous Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s poem is weighed down with mental and physical anguish, the torturing of mind and body. It represents the struggles of everyday life against society and disease. The text used is very harsh, no frills, the author has told it like it is. This is a poem that could be written for so many and yet I feel that this is personal to the author. I believe Zoà « was close to him and he is airing his anger and frustration at the waste of such a young life. Zoà « was clearly a person who never found true happiness. It evokes pathos, I felt quite disturbed when I read this. Also you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex Tortoise, I feel portrays the story of a soldiers suffering. This is the suffering of a tormented soul, the very suffering of ones spirit. Here is a man who has fought wars, seen comrades suffer and die, and is left but a shell of his former self. He has shut himself away from the world, for itââ¬â¢s grievances are nothing compared to what he has seen and experienced. He walks around like you or I and yet in his eyes his turmoil is clearly visible. Nothing is important to him anymore; he wanders day to day, questioning nothing, existing, and drifting like a forgotten spirit. This poem is brimming with bathos. It made me feel melancholy. Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s poem is quite angrily written. There are undertones of bitterness and regret, maybe these are emotions felt by the author for his subject. Words such as ââ¬Ëdog shitââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ënothing doneââ¬â¢ show the harshness of the authorââ¬â¢s feelings towards her situation. His tone throughout is sad and regretful, with a hint of unfairness; he knew an awful lot about her life. It paints a very bleak picture of a young, hopeful, yet very sad life that never quite came up to her expectations. I believe the author is trying to say that we should all care a little more about those around us, to open our eyes and see the reality of life, and to live each day as if it were our last. He is trying to convey the cruelty and unfairness of the world. At first glance the reader of the ââ¬ËTortoiseââ¬â¢ could be totally baffled by the text in this one. It definitely requires further scrutiny to try and understand what the author is trying to say. The text is much more gentle and simple, yet more difficult to understand due to the ambiguity. I believe only the author truly knows the meaning behind Tortoise, it is left up to the reader to interpret it in their own way. Maybe this was the intention. While Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s poem is quite clear to understand Tortoise is open to many interpretations. The text in ââ¬ËIn Memory of Zoe Yallandââ¬â¢ is very negative. For example ââ¬Ëno spaceââ¬â¢, no sunââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ënothing doneââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëboxed inââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ë dragged downââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ënot trueââ¬â¢. There is also text, which indicates the struggle in her life such as; ââ¬Ëbattlingââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëhoping luck could run outââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëmore like prayingââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëthat with time just staying meant starting to belongââ¬â¢. As you read the text in the first verse it draws you into the emotional turmoil that she is experiencing, you are able, quite easily, to relate to her suffering. In the second verse I felt the emotion the author was displaying. He was unmistakably hurting; not only at the loss of this woman, but also at the poor hand fate had cruelly dealt her. His words were cutting, as if to shock the reader into recognising the reality of this awful situation. Read alsoà Case 302 July in Multiplex The text of ââ¬ËTortoiseââ¬â¢ in comparison to ââ¬ËZoà «Ã¢â¬â¢ is quite positive, although in a sad way. ââ¬ËSo he became a sort of miraculous stoneââ¬â¢ suggests that even though he was struggling he overcame his problems and adjusted, even after he had everything ââ¬Ëshot awayââ¬â¢. Everything about the poem suggests a gentle surrender to lifeââ¬â¢s difficulties. ââ¬ËYou see?ââ¬â¢ is almost like saying, ââ¬Å"oh well!â⬠phrases like ââ¬Ëno question eitherââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëno reason to hurryââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëlife is simpleââ¬â¢, are all positive, but in the context of the poem itââ¬â¢s as if he has given up, and so, life is no longer difficult. He canââ¬â¢t change what has happened, so he just lives with it, inside his shell. In conclusion I found ââ¬ËIn Memory of Zoà « Yalland to be a very negative poem with harsh realities and no hope, while ââ¬ËTortoiseââ¬â¢ was more positive and hopeful, although it still cleverly portrayed suffering using a clever use of language. While ââ¬ËIn Memory of Zoà « Yallandââ¬â¢ bore pathos, ââ¬ËTortoiseââ¬â¢ contained bathos. These were two poems both displaying suffering but in entirely different ways.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide that contains an unusual peptide linkage between the amine group of cysteine (which is attached by normal peptide linkage to a glycine) and the carboxyl group of the glutamate side-chain. It is an antioxidant, preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. [2] Thiol groups are reducing agents, existing at a concentration of approximately 5 mM in animal cells. Glutathione reduces disulfide bonds formed within cytoplasmic proteins to cysteines by serving as an electron donor. In the process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L(-)-Glutathione. Glutathione is found almost exclusively in its reduced form, since the enzyme that reverts it from its oxidized form, glutathione reductase, is constitutively active and inducible upon oxidative stress. In fact, the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione within cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity. 3] Glutathione is not an essential nutrient (meaning it does not have to be obtained via food), since it can be synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and glycine. The sulfhydryl (thiol) group (SH) of cysteine serves as a proton donor and is responsible for the biological activity of glutathione. Provision of this amino acid is the rate-limiting factor in glutathione synthesis by the cells, since cysteine is relatively rare in foodstuffs. Furthermore, if released as the free amino acid, cysteine is toxic and spontaneously catabolized in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma. [4] Glutathione is synthesized in two adenosine triphosphate-dependent steps: * First, gamma-glutamylcysteine is synthesized from L-glutamate and cysteine via the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (a. k. a. glutamate cysteine ligase, GCL). This reaction is the rate-limiting step in glutathione synthesis. citation needed] * Second, glycine is added to the C-terminal of gamma-glutamylcysteine via the enzyme glutathione synthetase. Animal glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) is a heterodimeric enzyme composed of a catalytic (GCLC) and modulatory (GCLM) subunit. GCLC constitutes all the enzymatic activity, whereas GCLM increases the catalytic efficiency of GCLC. Mice lacking GCLC (i. e. , all de novo GSH synthesis) die before birth. [5] Mice lacking GCLM demonstrate no outward phenotype, but exhibit marked decrease in GSH and increased sensiti vity to toxic insults. 6][7][8] While all cells in the human body are capable of synthesizing glutathione, liver glutathione synthesis has been shown to be essential. Mice with genetically-induced loss of GCLC (i. e. , GSH synthesis) only in the liver die within 1 month of birth. [9] The plant glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) is a redox-sensitive homodimeric enzyme, conserved in the plant kingdom. [10] In an oxidizing environment, intermolecular disulfide bridges are formed and the enzyme switches to the dimeric active state. The mid-point potential of the critical cysteine pair is -318 mV. In addition to the redox-dependent control is the plant GCL enzyme feedback inhibited by GSH. [11] GCL is exclusively located in plastids, and glutathione synthetase is dual-targeted to plastids and cytosol, thus are GSH and gamma-glutamylcysteine exported from the plastids. [12] Both glutathione biosynthesis enzymes are essential in plants; knock-outs of GCL and GS are lethal to embryo and seedling. [13] The biosynthesis pathway for glutathione is found in some bacteria, like cyanobacteria and proteobacteria, but is missing in many other bacteria. Most eukaryotes synthesize glutathione, including humans, but some do not, such as Leguminosae, Entamoeba, and Giardia. The only archaea that make glutathione are halobacteria. [14][15] [edit] Function Glutathione exists in reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) states. In the reduced state, the thiol group of cysteine is able to donate a reducing equivalent (H++ e-) to other unstable molecules, such as reactive oxygen species. In donating an electron, glutathione itself becomes reactive, but readily reacts with another reactive glutathione to form glutathione isulfide (GSSG). Such a reaction is possible due to the relatively high concentration of glutathione in cells (up to 5 mM in the liver). GSH can be regenerated from GSSG by the enzyme glutathione reductase. In healthy cells and tissue, more than 90% of the total glutathione pool is in the reduced form (GSH) and less than 10% exists in the disulfide form (GSSG). An increased GSSG-to-GSH ratio is considered indicative of oxidative str ess. Glutathione has multiple functions: It is the major endogenous antioxidant produced by the cells, participating directly in the neutralization of free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, as well as maintaining exogenous antioxidants such as vitamins C and E in their reduced (active) forms. [16][citation needed] * Regulation of the nitric oxide cycle, which is critical for life but can be problematic if unregulated [17] * Through direct conjugation, it detoxifies many xenobiotics (foreign compounds) and carcinogens, both organic and inorganic. This includes heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. [citation needed] * It is essential for the immune system to exert its full potential, e. g. , (1) modulating antigen presentation to lymphocytes, thereby influencing cytokine production and type of response (cellular or humoral) that develops, (2) enhancing proliferation of lymphocytes, thereby increasing magnitude of response, (3) enhancing killing activity of cytotoxic T cells and NK cells, and (4) regulating apoptosis, thereby maintaining control of the immune response. citation needed] * It plays a fundamental role in numerous metabolic and biochemical reactions such as DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport, and enzyme activation. Thus, every system in the body can be affected by the state of the glutathione system, especially the immune system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal system and the lungs. [4] Function in animals GSH is known as a substrate in both conjugation reactions and reduction reactions, catalyzed by glutathione S-transferase enzymes in cytosol, microsomes, and mitochondria. However, it is also capable of participating in non-enzymatic conjugation with some chemicals. In the case of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), the reactive cytochrome P450-reactive metabolite formed by paracetamol (or acetaminophen as it is known in the US), that becomes toxic when GSH is depleted by an overdose of acetaminophen, Glutathione is an essential antidote to overdose. Glutathione conjugates to NAPQI and helps to detoxify it. In this capacity, it protects cellular protein thiol groups, which would otherwise become covalently modified; when all GSH has been spent, NAPQI begins to react with the cellular proteins, killing the cells in the process. The preferred treatment for an overdose of this painkiller is the administration (usually in atomized form) of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (often as a trademarked preparation called Mucomystà ® [1]), which is processed by cells to L-cysteine and used in the de novo synthesis of GSH. Glutathione (GSH) participates in leukotriene synthesis and is a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. It is also important as a hydrophilic molecule that is added to lipophilic toxins and waste in the liver during biotransformation before they can become part of the bile. Glutathione is also needed for the detoxification of methylglyoxal, a toxin produced as a by-product of metabolism. This detoxification reaction is carried out by the glyoxalase system. Glyoxalase I (EC 4. 4. 1. ) catalyzes the conversion of methylglyoxal and reduced glutathione to S-D-lactoyl-glutathione. Glyoxalase II (EC 3. 1. 2. 6) catalyzes the hydrolysis of S-D-lactoyl-glutathione to glutathione and D-lactic acid. Glutathione has recently been used as an inhibitor of melanin in the cosmetics industry. In countries like Japan and the Philippines, this product is sold as a whitening soap. Glutathione competitively inhibits melanin synthesis in the reaction of tyrosinase and L-DOPA by interrupting L-DO PA's ability to bind to tyrosinase during melanin synthesis. The inhibition of melanin synthesis was reversed by increasing the concentration of L-DOPA, but not by increasing tyrosinase. Although the synthesized melanin was aggregated within 1 h, the aggregation was inhibited by the addition of glutathione. These results indicate that glutathione inhibits the synthesis and agglutination of melanin by interrupting the function of L-DOPA. ââ¬Å"[18] Function in plants In plants, glutathione is crucial for biotic and abiotic stress management. It is a pivotal component of the glutathione-ascorbate cycle, a system that reduces poisonous hydrogen peroxide. 19] It is the precursor of phytochelatins, glutathione oligomeres that chelate heavy metals such as cadmium. [20] Glutathione is required for efficient defence against plant pathogens such as Pseudomonas syringae and Phytophthora brassicae. [21] APS reductase, an enzyme of the sulfur assimilation pathway uses glutathione as electron donor. Other enzymes using glutathione as substrate are glutare doxin, these small oxidoreductases are involved in flower development, salicylic acid and plant defence signalling. [22] [edit] Supplementation Raising GSH levels through direct supplementation of glutathione is difficult. Research suggests that glutathione taken orally is not well absorbed across the gastrointestinal tract. In a study of acute oral administration of a very large dose (3 grams) of oral glutathione, Witschi and coworkers found ââ¬Å"it is not possible to increase circulating glutathione to a clinically beneficial extent by the oral administration of a single dose of 3 g of glutathione. ââ¬Å"[23][24] Vitamin D increases glutathione levels in the brain and appears to be a catalyst for glutathione production. 25] The amount of activated vitamin D in the brain is tied to how much vitamin D3 one has, either ingested through supplements or created in the skin via sun exposure. This suggests taking vitamin D3 supplements and/or getting adequate sun exposure boosts glutathione production. In addition, plasma and liver GSH concentrations can be raised by administration of certain supplements that serve as GSH precu rsors. N-acetylcysteine, commonly referred to as NAC, is the most bioavailable precursor of glutathione. 26] Other supplements, including S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)[27][28][29] and whey protein[30][31][32][33][34][35] have also been shown to increase glutathione content within the cell. NAC is available both as a drug and as a generic supplement. Alpha lipoic acid has also been shown to restore intracellular glutathione. [36][37] Melatonin has been shown to stimulate a related enzyme, glutathione peroxidase,[38] and silymarin, an extract of the seeds of the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum) has also demonstrated an ability to replenish glutathione levels. [39][40] Glutathione is a tightly regulated intracellular constituent, and is limited in its production by negative feedback inhibition of its own synthesis through the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, thus greatly minimizing any possibility of over dosage. Glutathione augmentation using precursors of glutathione synthesis or intravenous glutathione is a strategy developed to address states of glutathione deficiency, high oxidative stress, immune deficiency, and xenobiotic overload in which glutathione plays a part in the detoxification of the xenobiotic in question (especially through the hepatic route). Glutathione deficiency states include, but are not limited to, HIV/AIDS, chemical and infectious hepatitis, myalgic encephalomyelitis chronic fatigue syndrome ME / CFS,[41][42][43] prostate and other cancers, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, radiation poisoning, malnutritive states, arduous physical stress, and aging, and has been associated with suboptimal immune response. Many clinical pathologies are associated with oxidative stress and are elaborated upon in numerous medical references. [4][44][45] Low glutathione is also strongly implicated in wasting and negative nitrogen balance,[46] as seen in cancer, AIDS, sepsis, trauma, burns and even athletic overtraining. Glutathione supplementation can oppose this process, and in AIDS, for example, result in improved survival rates. [47] However, studies in many of these conditions have not been able to differentiate between low glutathione as a result of acutely (as in septic patients) or chronically (as in HIV) increased oxidative stress, and increased pathology as a result of preexisting deficiencies. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are associated with lowered glutathione. Accruing data suggest that oxidative stress may be a factor underlying the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and schizophrenia (SCZ). Glutathione (GSH) is the major free radical scavenger in the brain. [48] Diminished GSH levels elevate cellular vulnerability towards oxidative stress; characterized by accumulating reactive oxygen species. Replenishment of glutathione using N-acetyl cysteine has been shown to reduce symptoms of both disorders. citation needed] Cancer Preliminary results indicate glutathione changes the level of reactive oxygen species in isolated cells grown in a laboratory,[49][50] which may reduce cancer development. [51] [52] None of these tests were performed in humans. However, once a cancer has already developed, by conferring resistance to a number of chemotherapeutic drugs, elevated levels of glutathione in tumor cells are able to protect cancer ous cells in bone marrow, breast, colon, larynx, and lung cancers. 53] [edit] Pathology Excess glutamate at synapses, which may be released in conditions such as traumatic brain injury, can prevent the uptake of cysteine, a necessary building-block of glutathione. Without the protection from oxidative injury afforded by glutathione, cells may be damaged or killed. [54] Methods to determine glutathione Reduced glutathione may be visualized using Ellman's reagent or bimane derivates such as monobromobimane. The monobromobimane method is more sensitive. In this procedure, cells are lysed and thiols extracted using a HCl buffer. The thiols are then reduced with dithiothreitol (DTT) and labelled by monobromobimane. Monobromobimane becomes fluorescent after binding to GSH. The thiols are then separated by HPLC and the fluorescence quantified with a fluorescence detector. Bimane may also be used to quantify glutathione in vivo. The quantification is done by confocal laser scanning microscopy after application of the dye to living cells. 55] Another approach, which allows to measure the glutathione redox potential at a high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells is based on redox imaging using the redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein (roGFP)[56] or redox sensitive yellow fluorescent protein. . When we speak of glutathione, what will really come to mind is that glutathione which most Filipino thought of as a whitening agent. It comes in soaps and any other beauty products which hopefully will make one whiter and fairer when used. But what we really donââ¬â¢t know is that glutathione is found in each of three trillion cells in our body. It is the most powerful an antioxidant which we cannot find in a fruit or in a berry a common but it is found in our body. In fact its absence will make one die. In my first blog I ââ¬Ëve told you about the glutathione story. Now Iââ¬â¢m going to tell you what glutathione really is and its role to our over all well being. So what is glutathione really: Glutathione is a tripeptide, What is glutathione?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What are Fan Behaviors towards Sports Officials at the Middle School Level
What are Fan Behaviors towards Sports Officials at the Middle School Level Abstract The objective of this project was to discuss fan behaviors towards sports officials at middle school level. In order to achieve this objective, qualitative research method was used to collect and to analyze data from different secondary sources. The results of the data analysis and literature review indicate that incidences of misbehavior among middle school students during sports events are on the rise.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on What are Fan Behaviors towards Sports Officials at the Middle School Level? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, most students tend to show disrespect to sports officials by harassing them verbally and physically. The main factors that influence studentsââ¬â¢ behavior during sports events include frustration, high expectation, crowd demographics, performance of sports officials, and socialization. In order to improve middle school studentsââ¬â¢ behavior tow ards sports officials, parents, and teachers should collaborate and help students to internalize the principles of good sportsmanship. Introduction A sports event refers to ââ¬Å"any interscholastic or intramural athletic activity organized and sponsored by any learning institution, the community, or a businessâ⬠. Sports events are important because they promote the development of studentsââ¬â¢ leadership skills and physical wellbeing. Furthermore, they help students to identify their talents in various games such as football and basketball. Consequently, most schools promote sportsmanship among their students. Sportsmanship refers to ââ¬Å"the values of fair play, adherence to the rules of the game, respect for opponents, and acceptance of official and referee judgementsâ⬠. All stakeholders in sports events are expected to internalize all the values associated with sportsmanship. However, most students at middle school level have failed to uphold the spirit of sports manship. This can be illustrated by the rising number of incidences in which middle school students harass sports officials during or after sports events. A sports official refers to a person who is responsible for enforcing the rules of a game or supervising participants during a sports event. Statement of the Problem In the last two decades, middle school students have increasingly exhibited high levels of cynicism and negativity towards their opponents and sports officials. Deviant behaviors such as verbal abuse and physical harassment have become the norm in most middle school sports events across the country. This trend is explained in part by the fact that students want their teams to win at all costs. However, considering winning as the most important element of interscholastic sports denies students the chance to develop desirable values such as respect for others, self-discipline and responsibility. Poor character development among middle school students has led to an incre ase in the number of complaints by sports officials, especial, referees concerning various forms of harassment. Additionally, the number of referees and other sports officials who are resigning from their duties for fear of being harmed by students is on the rise.Advertising Looking for proposal on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Undoubtedly, sports officials are very important since they determine the success of any sports event. The officials are tasked with the responsibility of making judgements within a very short time in order to regulate playersââ¬â¢ actions. In this regard, sports officials are bound to make mistakes, especially, in games such as football that are rule-oriented. Nonetheless, sports officials do not deserve harassment from middle school fans due to the mistakes they make on the playfield. If more sports officials resign from their duties, the quality of sports in most scho ols will significantly decline. It is against this backdrop that this paper seeks to shed light on the behavior of middle school students towards sports officials. Significance of the Project Previous studies have shown that the behavior of middle school students towards sports officials is deteriorating despite the efforts made by parents and teachers to promote good sportsmanship among students. Although the patterns of studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials have been extensively documented, few studies have explained the causes of the observed studentsââ¬â¢ behaviors. Thus, this project contributes to the existing literature by identifying the behaviors of middle school students towards sports officials and the causes of such behaviors. Understanding studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials has the following benefits. First, understanding the causes of poor sportsmanship among middle school students will help teachers and parents to develop appropriate st rategies to improve studentsââ¬â¢ behavior. Consequently, sports events will become a source of enjoyable entertainment and an opportunity to nurture the talents of students who intend to pursue careers in sports. Second, the participation of sports officials in sports events will improve if teachers are able to understand studentsââ¬â¢ behaviors and to take appropriate actions to improve sportsmanship among middle school students. This will boost the development of sports at middle school level. Review of Literature Organized sports events cannot take place without sports officials. However, sports officialsââ¬â¢ dropout rate in various sports in the country is alarming. One of the major factors that contribute to the high dropout rate is player and fan abuse. According to Balch and Scott (2007, pp. 3-20), the personality of sports officials is similar to that of the normal population. However, middle school students tend to perceive sports officials as people with very di fferent personalities.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on What are Fan Behaviors towards Sports Officials at the Middle School Level? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Most middle school students believe that sports officials lack charisma and are excessively neurotic. This can be illustrated by the fact that any decision made by a referee in a game such as football upsets nearly half the players and viewers. The fans and players who are not able to handle their disappointments often attack referees physically or verbally. However, not every referee is able to handle wild fans and uncooperative players. This partly explains the increase in the rate of sports officialsââ¬â¢ dropout in various games. A successful sports official must possess a unique kind of personality. The official has to be levelheaded, confident, and able to handle the pressure from fans. The decisions made in any game or sports event involves s ome form of communication between the sports official and other participants such as coaches and fans. The decision of the official must be based on the interpretation of the rules that govern the sports event that is taking place. However, most contest decisions are followed with ridicule from middle school fans and coaches whose expectations about the outcome of the contest is often very high. According to Wolfson and Neave (2007, pp. 232-247), a good official should be able to ignore the negative feedback from the unsatisfied fans and stay focused on the game. Contrary to this perspective, most officials find it difficult to concentrate on officiating games such as football without worrying about being attacked by fans. Godsdon (2001, p. 89) opine that sports officials can reduce the possibility of being attacked by unruly students if they exercise values such as honesty and objectivity when officiating games. In this regard, sports officials should avoid communicating with fans throughout a sports event in order to prevent any provocation from degenerating into a physical attack. Moreover, every school is expected to provide an administrator to control students during sports events. Crowds of fans that show enduring team involvement consist of both good and bad students. The students who lack good behavior tend to exhibit their character in terms of excessive complaints and confrontations, which are often channeled to sports officials or the opponent teams. Enduring team involvement is not the problem since the degree of association with a particular team does not vary significantly between dysfunctional and well-behaved fans (Kreager, 2007, pp. 705-724). Dysfunctional fans usually take advantage of forums such as radio talk shows and websites to attack sports officials through negative and abusive comments. Although fans are expected to question the decisions made by officials during a game, their actions often contravene the principles of good sportsmans hip. Thus, most officials expect deviant behaviors such as excessive yelling from fans in nearly every game. Given that verbal attacks are expected in every game, what matters is how sports officials deal with them. According to Kellett and Shilbury (2007, pp. 209-229), the level of unruly behavior among fans vary with the type of game or sports event that is taking place.Advertising Looking for proposal on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Middle school students are likely to misbehave in sports events such as basketball, baseball, and football because most of them hold these games in high esteem. In addition, the stakes are usually very high when a game such as football is being played since students often bet with their colleagues on the expected outcome of the game. This leads to the development of the win-at-all-costs attitude among students, which in turn causes misbehavior towards sports officials. The misbehavior of fans in middle schools and other levels of learning have led to adoption of laws that protect sports officials in some states in the United States. The laws often protect registered sports officials from being attacked physically or verbally in the course of performing their duties such as officiating sports events or immediately after officiating the events. The penalties associated with attacking a sports official varies from ââ¬Å"a first-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree felonyâ⬠. Gener ally, the need to enact laws that protect sports officials arose from a culture that promotes indecent behavior among students and coaches during interscholastic sports events. Most trained officials often turn down the offer to participate in various games if they expect to be assaulted due to trivial reasons such as fansââ¬â¢ dissatisfaction with a contest decision. The stress experienced by sports officials as they officiate various games is mainly explained by the ââ¬Å"fear of failure, fear of physical harm, and time pressureâ⬠. These fears arise as students put pressure on sports officials to take actions that satisfy their needs even though such actions might not be appropriate. Players in various sports events often receive emotional support from their team managers and coaches. They are often trained to cope with failure and to ignore the negative feedback that they may receive from fans. By contrast, sports officials hardly receive any emotional support during spo rts events. The officials are often ââ¬Å"left alone during times of harassment, with no support from fans, coaches, or school administratorsâ⬠. This leads to isolation during times of stress. As a result, most officials experience high levels of mental and physical tiredness as they perform their duties. Ultimately, most officials terminate their commitment to serve middle school students as referees or umpires. Previous studies indicate that middle school studentsââ¬â¢ propensity to misbehave during sports events is influenced by personal and environmental factors. Deindividuation is one of the factors that lead to misbehavior towards sports officials. Deindividuation refers to ââ¬Å"immersion to a group to the point that one loses a sense of self-awareness and feels lessened responsibility for oneââ¬â¢s actionsâ⬠. Deindividuation weakens self-control, thereby increasing the ease with which fans are influenced by their surroundings. As a result, spectators may mo b, insult, or threaten sports officials. Most fans take advantage of the anonymity provided by a group setting to misbehave. Personal accountability declines and responsibility diffuses as fans increase their involvement in group activities. Consequently, even the well-behaved fans may be encouraged to imitate bad behaviors such as yelling at officials in order to conform to the groups that they identify with. Disinhibition is a common characteristic of passionate fans of various sports events. Disinhibition is a state in which an individualââ¬â¢s ability to control his or her behavior, emotions, and impulses are greatly reduced. It leads to a situation in which fans are less concerned about the consequences of their behaviors or what others think about them. Disinhibition eliminates the normal constraints on behavior ââ¬Å"such as long-term norms, self-monitoring, and self-awarenessâ⬠. In this context, fansââ¬â¢ behaviors are mainly influenced by their immediate emotion s rather than rationality and self-control. Consequently, fans may express themselves in a manner that contravenes the principles of good sportsmanship. For example, a very passionate fan may cheer his team by shouting too much or insulting a sports official whose decision he disagrees with. Frustration is a major determinant of studentsââ¬â¢ participation in violent acts during sports events. Frustration leads to aggression under circumstances in which fans believe that their chance to win in a particular contest was thwarted by a decision made by a sports official. Students can respond to their frustrations by attacking sports officials as a means of compensating for their loss. This perspective is supported by the fact that dysfunctional fans consider their violent behaviors as a product of hard work rather than an intention to hurt sports officials. In particular, violent fans tend to believe that engaging in violent behaviors is an effective means of fighting for a win that they deserve. Frustration increases arousal when students are disappointed with the outcome of a sports event. Moreover, socialization greatly influences studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials. Students who often watch violent movies are likely to engage in violent behaviors during sports events. Moreover, they are likely to use weapons to attack sports officials and their opponents or teammates. Crowd demographic is also a determinant of middle school studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials during and after a sports event. Several studies indicate that male students are more likely to engage in violent behaviors than females students are. Similarly, sports events that involve teams from different schools are usually characterized with violence because stakes are often vary high. Students from each school usually focus on winning at all costs in order to show their superiority. In this case, sports officials can be on the receiving end if they make any mistake that causes one team to lose. Methods and Procedures Qualitative research method was used to collect and to analyze the data used to discuss the behavior of middle school students towards sports officials. Qualitative research method was suitable for this project since it focuses on meanings, perspectives, and understandings. In particular, it focuses on determining the meanings that people attach to their behavior, as well as, how they interpret various situations. Additionally, qualitative research focuses on determining peopleââ¬â¢s perspectives on various issues in their surroundings. Thus, the qualitative research method facilitated the analysis of the perspectives of various researchers concerning the behavior of middle school students towards sports officials. The data used in this project was collected through a thorough review of the literature on the behavior of middle school students towards sports officials. This involved reading and analyzing the findings of previou s studies and the theories that have been developed to explain fansââ¬â¢ behavior during sports events. Generally, the data was collected from secondary sources such as academic textbooks, peer reviewed journals, and reports of previous studies. The advantages of using secondary sources of data include the following. First, secondary sources of data on studentsââ¬â¢ behavior during sports events are readily available through various platforms such as online libraries and e-books. This reduced the time required to collect and to analyze the data needed to complete the project. Second, secondary sources of data present the views of different researchers and scholars. Thus, it was easy to understand studentsââ¬â¢ behavior and to analyze the factors that influence it in an objective manner. Despite these benefits, some secondary sources of data are likely to have unreliable information. Consequently, only academic textbooks and peer reviewed journals were used to ensure that th e conclusions of the project are based on reliable information. Hermeneutic analysis was used to analyze the data collected for the project. Hermeneutic analysis involves gaining an ââ¬Å"in-depth understanding of the meanings of human practices, culture, works of art and textâ⬠. In this project, data analysis involved reviewing and interpreting existing literature on middle school studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials. The interpretations were used to make conclusions about the projectââ¬â¢s topic. Conclusion Results and Analysis The literature reviewed indicates that cases of misbehavior towards sports officials are on the rise in middle schools. This has led to adoption of laws that protect sports officials from harassment as they perform their duties. Students usually respond to the decisions made by sports officials through deviant behaviors such as verbal and physical harassment. The main factors that determine studentsââ¬â¢ behavior during sports even ts include frustration, crowd demographics, the performance of sports officials, and studentsââ¬â¢ socialization. The misbehavior of middle school students during sports events can be explained by three theories namely, the social learning theory, instinct theory, and frustration-aggression hypothesis. According to the social learning theory, an individual acquires a new behavior by watching and imitating others. In this context, well-behaved students can gradually learn bad behaviors from their colleagues and begin to practice them. Thus, studentsââ¬â¢ behavior towards sports officials illustrates what they learn from their colleagues and the society in general. According to the instinct theory, aggression is an inborn drive. In particular, aggression is an intrinsic drive that can be discharged or fulfilled. This suggests that students can use sports events to discharge pent-up aggression. For example, the celebrations that follow a win in a particular game can help in reduc ing stress and aggression among students. By contrast, a sports event can increase aggression if students fail to achieve their objectives or goals. This leads to deviant behaviors such as harassing sports officials. The frustration-aggression hypothesis posits that frustration only prepares an individual for an aggressive reaction. Thus, an individual may or may not express aggression when frustrated. This perspective is illustrated by the fact that responsible students often avoid engaging in deviant behaviors during sports events even if they are frustrated. However, an increase in frustration is likely to result into expression of aggression. Discussion and Reflection Sports events play a key role in the development process of students at the middle school level. Teachers and parents value good sportsmanship and expect students to engage actively in sports events. Unfortunately, the level of sportsmanship among students in middle schools is deteriorating. This failure can be att ributed to the permissiveness of the society and school administrators towards aggression in sports events. Parents and teachers alike engage in deviant behaviors during sports events within and outside schools, thereby setting bad precedence for students. Students, on the other hand, have over time developed the culture of winning at all costs, which leads to misbehavior during sports events. Therefore, parents and teachers must collaborate to help students to internalize the principles of sportsmanship. Parents must help their children to understand that losing in a sports event is not the end of everything. They should encourage their children to learn to cope with failure and appreciate the contributions of sports officials in every game. Teachers and school administrators should focus on promoting discipline among students. Moreover, they should establish a conflict resolution mechanism to address any disagreements that may arise between sports officials and students in order t o avoid violence. Students are also expected to act responsibly and to respect sports officials in order to benefit from sports events. References Atkinson, M., Young, K. (2008). Deviance and social control in sports. New York, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Balch, C., Scott, D. (2007). Contrary to popular belief, refs are people too! Personality and perception of officials. Journal of Sport Behavior 30(1), 3-20. Banning, S., Wells, S., Baker, L. (2009). Parents behaving badly? The relationship between the sportsmanship behavior of adults and athletes in youth basketball games. Journal of Sport Behavior 32(1), 3-18. Coakley, J. (2011). What counts as positive development? Journal of Sport and Social issues, 35(3), 306-324. Courtney, J., Wann, D. (2010). The relationship between sport fan dysfunction and bullying behaviors. 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A study on the relationship between sports and aggression. Sport Science Review, 22(2), 33-48. Stornes, T. (2001). Sportspersonship in elite sports: On the effec ts of personal and environmental factors on the display of sportspersonship among elite male handball players. European Physical Education Review 7(1), 283-304. Thornton, P., Champion, W., Ruddell, L. (2011). Sports ethics for sports management professionals. London, England: Butterworth-Heinneman. Tracy, S. (2012). Qualitative research methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Wakefield, S., Wann, D. (2006). An examination of dysfunctional sport fans: Method of classification and relationships with problem behaviors. Journal of Leisure Research 38(2), 168-186. Wingate, B. (2008). Violence at sports events. London, England: Sage. Wolfson, S., Neave, N. (2007). Coping under pressure: Cognitive strategies for maintaining confidence among soccer referees. Journal of Sport Behavior 30(2), 232-247. Young, K. (2012). Sport, Violence and Society. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Importance of Infrastructure
The Importance of Infrastructure Infrastructure is a term architects, engineers, and urban planners use to describe essential facilities, services, and organizational structures for communal use, most commonly by residents of cities and towns. Politicians often think of infrastructure in terms of how a nation can help corporations move and deliver their goods- water, electricity, sewage, and merchandise are all about movement and delivery via infrastructure. Infra- means below, and sometimes these elements are literally below the ground, like water and natural gas supply systems. In modern environments, infrastructure is thought to be any facility we expect but dont think about because it works for us in theà background, unnoticed- below our radar. The global information infrastructure for communications and internet involves satellites in space- not underground at all, but we rarely think about how that last Tweet got to us so quickly. Infrastructure is not American or exclusive to the United States. For example, engineers in nations across the globe have developed high-tech solutions for flood control- one system that protects an entire community. All countries have infrastructure in some form, which can include these systems: Roads, tunnels, and bridges, including the Interstate Highway SystemMass-transit systems (e.g., trains and rails)Airport runways and control towersTelephone lines and cellphone towersDams and reservoirsHurricane barriersLevees and pumping stationsWaterways, canals, and portsElectrical power lines and connections (i.e., the national power grid)Fire stations and equipmentHospitals, clinics, and emergency response systemsSchoolsLaw enforcement and prisonsSanitation and waste removal facilities for solid waste, wastewater, and hazardous wastePost offices and mail deliveryPublic parks and other types of green infrastructure Infrastructure Definition infrastructure:à The framework of interdependent networks and systems comprising identifiable industries, institutions (including people and procedures), and distribution capabilities that provide a reliable flow of products and services essential to the defense and economic security of the United States, the smooth functioning of governments at all levels, and society as a whole. - Report of the Presidentââ¬â¢s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 1997 Why Infrastructure Is Important We all use these systems, which are often called public works, and we expect them to function for us, but we dont like to pay for them. Many times the cost is hidden in plain view- added taxes to your utility and telephone bill, for example, may help pay for infrastructure. Even teenagers with motorbikes help pay for infrastructure with every gallon of gasoline used. A highway-user tax is added to each gallon of motor fuel (e.g., gasoline, diesel, gasohol) sold. This money goes into what is called the Highway Trust Fund in order to pay for repairs and replacement of roads, bridges, and tunnels. Likewise, each airline ticket you buy has a federal excise tax that should be used to maintain the infrastructure needed to support air travel.à Both state and federal governments are allowed to add taxes to certain products and services in order to help pay for the infrastructure that supports them. The infrastructure may begin to crumble if the tax doesnt keep increasing enough. These exci se taxes are consumption taxes that are in addition to your income taxes, which also can be used to pay for infrastructure. Infrastructure is important because we all pay for it and we all use it. Paying for infrastructure can be as complicated as the infrastructure itself. Nevertheless, most people depend on transportation systems and public utilities, which also are essential for the economic vitality of our businesses. As Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem, MA) famously stated, You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didnt have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did. - Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 2011 When Infrastructure Fails When natural disasters strike, stable infrastructure is necessary for swift delivery of emergency supplies and medical care. When fires rage in drought-ravaged areas of the U.S. we expect firefighters to be on the scene until the neighborhoods are safe. All countries are not so fortunate. In Haiti, for example, the lack of well-developed infrastructure contributed to the deaths and injuries suffered during and after the earthquake of January 2010. Every citizen should expect to live in comfort and safety. On the most basic level, every community requires access to clean water and sanitary waste disposal. Poorly maintained infrastructure can lead to a devastating loss of life and property. Examples of failed infrastructure in the U.S. include: When the Oroville Dams spillway eroded, thousands of Californians evacuated, 2017Unsafe drinking water from lead supply pipes affected the health of children in Flint, Michigan, 2014Sewer spills during hard rains in Houston, Texas created a public health hazard, 2009The collapse of Interstate 35W Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota killed motorists, 2007Failure of the levees and pump stations after Hurricane Katrina flooded communities in New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005 Governments Role in Infrastructure Investing in infrastructure is nothing new for governments. Thousands of years ago, Egyptians built irrigation and transportation systems with dams and canals. Ancient Greeks and Romans built roads and aqueducts that still stand today. The 14th-century Parisian sewers have become tourist destinations. Governments around the world have realized that investing in and maintaining a healthy infrastructure is an important government function. Australias Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development claims that It is an investment that has a multiplier effect throughout the economy, generating lasting economic, social and environmental benefits. In an age of terrorist threats and attacks, the U.S. has stepped up efforts to secure critical infrastructure, extending the list of examples toà systems related to Information and communications, gas and oil production/storage/transportation, and even banking and finance. The list is the subject of an ongoing debate. Critical infrastructures now include national monuments (e.g. Washington Monument), where an attack might cause a large loss of life or adversely affect the nationââ¬â¢s morale. They also include the chemical industry....A fluid definition of what constitutes a critical infrastructure could complicate policymaking and actions. - Congressional Research Service, 2003 In the U.S. the Infrastructure Security Division and theà National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center are part of the Department of Homeland Security. Watchdog groups like the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) keep track of progress and needs by issuing an infrastructure report card every year. Books About Infrastructure Infrastructure: The Book of Everything for the Industrial Landscape by Brian HayesThe Works: Anatomy of a City by Kate AscherMove: How to Rebuild and Reinvent Americas Infrastructure by Rosabeth Moss KanterThe Road Taken: The History and Future of Americas Infrastructure by Henry Petroski Sources Presidentââ¬â¢s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, October 1997, pp. B-1 to B-2, PDF at Summary, Critical Infrastructures: What Makes an Infrastructure Critical? Report for Congress, Order Code RL31556, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Updated January 29, 2003, PDF at Infrastructure, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Australian Government, [accessed August 23, 2015] Elizabeth Warren: There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own by Lucy Madison, CBS News, September 22, 2011, [accessed March 15, 2017] Highway Trust Fund and Taxes, U.S.Department of Transportation, [accessed December 25, 2017]à Ascher, Kate. The Works: Anatomy of a City. Paperback, Reprint edition, Penguin Books, November 27, 2007. Hayes, Brian. Infrastructure: The Book of Everything for the Industrial Landscape. Paperback, Reprint edition, W. W. Norton Company, September 17, 2006. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. Move: How to Rebuild and Reinvent Americas Infrastructure. 1 edition, W. W. Norton Company, May 10, 2016. Petroski, Henry. The Road Taken: The History and Future of Americas Infrastructure. Hardcover, Bloomsbury USA, February 16, 2016.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Unique style and technique of Sandro Botticelli Research Paper
Unique style and technique of Sandro Botticelli - Research Paper Example All the aesthetics of the Italian Renaissance reached its highest stage of development by the end of the 15th century in the works of the eminent Florentine school artists - Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Their works masterly show the two sides of our existence - spirituality and humanity; subtle excellence of works of the High Renaissance places emphasis on the interrelationship of personal world and objective reality. Botticelli worked mostly with the subjects drawn from the Bible, frequently from the New Testament and classical antique mythology.It seems, at first glance, that he was concerned with purely religious or mythological subjects ââ¬â the subjects artists used to turn to centuries ago. But itââ¬â¢s just enough to look at his Renaissance Madonnas to realize that there is nothing in common between them and the Virgin and Child on icons. The sacred theme appears just as a secular portrait of a young woman whose name is even known. W hat is this? Broadness? Sacrilege? The life journey of Sandro Botticelli, his unique style and technique, will be examined through the example of his timeless works of art in this paper. Giorgio Vasari, an Italian painter of the 16th century, an outstanding biographer of many Italian artists, begins the biography of Sandro Botticelli saying that at the time of Lorenzo de Medici the Magnificent, which truly was the golden age for every gifted man, reached his peak the creative work of Alessandro, named between us as Sandro, nicknamed Botticelli. Botticelli was one of the most prominent figures of the blessed era associated with the name of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Like most of the titans of the Renaissance he was of humble origin. His success was in his energy, will, intelligence and talent. All this plus rare charm and tact helped the son of a tanner to enter the very select circle of cultural and artistic elite of Europe. He was born in Florence in 1445. His real name was Alessandr o Filipepi. He was the youngest of four sons of Mariano Filipepi and his wife Esmeralda. The first mention of Alessandro, as well as of the other Florentine artists, we find in the ââ¬Å"portate al Catastoâ⬠- a kind of register of incomes for taxation which was kept in accordance with the decree of the Republic. So, in 1458, Mariano Filipepi stated that he had four sons - Giovanni, Antonio, Simon and thirteen years old Sandro and added that Sandro was learning to read and the boy was sickly. Jewelry became the turning point in the development of the young Botticelli. Alessandro was sent by his father, tired of his extravagant restless mind, to learn the skill of jewelry. According to Vasari, there was a close relationship between jewelers and painters at that time. To work in a workshop of the first meant to get direct access to the craft of the latter. Sandro became skilled in drawing, which was necessary for accurate and confident black finish. Soon he became interested in p ainting and decided to devote his life to it. He never forgets the valuable lessons of jewelry - precision in drawing of contour lines and skillful use of gold (he often uses it as an additive for paint or for the background, in pure form). In 1464 Sandro joined the school of the excellent painter, Fra Filippo Lippi, the Carmelite, from the Monastery of Santa Maria del Carmine. Lippiââ¬â¢s workshop was then in Prato, where the artist worked until 1466 on the frescoes of the Cathedral. In 1465 Filippo painted his Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels. It became the indisputable pattern of composition and style for many early works by Botticelli, like Madonna and Child with an Angel and Madonna della Loggia. Even the earliest works by Sandro are distinguished by a special, almost imperceptible, atmosphere of spirituality and poetry of images - forà Botticellià painting tended towards the poetic not simply because of its lyrical
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